
Dedicated Server

Find the package that best suits your brand's needs.

Start-Up Dedicated


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  • 110 GB SSD
  • 2 CPU
  • 8 GB Memory
  • 10 TB Bandwidth
Standard Dedicated


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  • 110 GB SSD
  • 4 CPU
  • 16 GB Memory
  • 20 TB Bandwidth
Elite Dedicated


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  • 100 GB SSD
  • 6 CPU
  • 24 GB Memory
  • 30 TB Bandwidth
Pro Dedicated


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  • 110 GB SSD
  • 8 CPU
  • 32 GB Memory
  • 40 TB Bandwidth


Dedicated hosting is a single web hosting environment that’s dedicated to the needs of a single website. This is typically for websites that are large, receive a high volume of traffic, or require a unique hosting setup.

With dedicated server hosting, you’re renting an entire physical server. This provides you with unparalleled customization and control over your server environment. Plus, you’ll have access to higher levels of server resources.

With a dedicated server, you’ll be able to customize your CPU type, operating system, and the total amount of RAM and storage available.

With dedicated hosting, you have access to the entire server. With shared hosting, you’re simply renting a portion of that same server.

You can think of it in terms of an apartment building. If you choose a shared hosting environment you’re renting a single apartment. While with a dedicated server you’d be renting the entire building, and keeping every room open for your own needs. You can see why dedicated hosting is typically a much more expensive option.

Instead of sharing resources with hundreds of other websites on the same server you’ll have access to the entirety of the server’s resources for your own website.

First, dedicated server environments are geared towards more technical users. Managing your own server, and keeping it efficient and secure does take a lot of work.

As a result, dedicated server hosting is typically used by very high traffic websites, complex applications, or anything else that requires a high-level of security.

Dedicated hosting is also much more expensive than other hosting options, so it’s typically reserved for companies or individuals who have profitable online ventures.

With unmanaged dedicated hosting, you’ll essentially be renting a blank server, and customizing it to your liking. You’ll be in charge of technical tasks like server maintenance, security, software updates, and everything else required to keep your server secure and running.

With managed dedicated hosting, you’ll typically have a team of experts that will help to setup and manage your dedicated server. You’ll usually have to do some technical tasks yourself, but that list will be much smaller than if you were running an unmanaged dedicated server.

Dedicated hosting can be very advantageous for certain websites and applications. First of all dedicated servers are one of the most secure hosting options. The simple fact that you won’t be sharing a server with other sites that might be vulnerable to hacking is a big plus.

Dedicated servers also tend to have higher uptime, as there are less hardware and software failures that may result in your site being taken down.

Dedicated servers are also optimized for performance and uniquely structured to address your unique website needs. Your site will be able to utilize the full resources of the server without having to share them or compete for them, with other websites.

Finally, dedicated servers also provide you with scalability to meet the changing needs of your website. This style of hosting environment has larger resource allocation abilities, plus additional servers can be brought on if you exceed those resources.
Your best Dedicated Hosting option is here: $80.00/month*
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